Let’s brighten and glow with Neutriberbs SA

I haven’t done a skincare review in a hot minute and it has been mainly because I haven’t found anything worth writing about. Until now, of course. Neutriherbs reached out to me to find out if I’d be interested in trialing their Vitamin C Brightening & Glow Facial Kit and I was curious to see the results. The kit consists of a Vitamin C brightening & glow daily facial cleanser, enhanced Vitamin C serum with hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin C brightening & glow cream. I was tasked with using this kit for a month and had to take daily selfies, to document my progress. If you like selfies, this would be a piece of cake but I knew I’d get tired of my face after 30 daily selfies but I still like a challenge so I opted in.

My skincare regime has always been very minimalistic. A good cleanser, exfoliant, serum, and moisturizer was all I needed but as you get older more areas become problem areas. In my next review, I’ll let you in on my age-appropriate (if there’s such a thing) regime that I’ll be starting in a month or so. In this post, I’ll do a breakdown of the products I’ve used, my experience with them, and the benefits of using them on your face and neck.

I’ve also done a video review on Instagram and below are my before and after pictures of using this kit.

Vitamin C Brightening & Glow Daily Facial Cleanser

I love a good cleanser and this one is definitely that, and more. I want my face to feel clean and exfoliated without using an actual exfoliator. The benefits are listed on the website and I totally agree with it.

– Soothes and purifies skin
– Non-drying, assists in balancing skin moisture levels
– Fights against anti-aging with free radicals
– Diminishes surface lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen
– Naturally lifts and firms sagging skin
– Effectively cleanses skin and works as a makeup remover

Enhanced Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid

I appreciate an effective serum that leaves my skin feeling soft and supple and would recommend this one. A little goes a long way, for your face, neck, and decolletage, so don’t be fooled into thinking you need to lather it.

– Protects skin from environmental stressors with its antioxidant formulae
– Fades sun spots and discoloration
– Hydrates and moisturizes skin
– Naturally lifts and firms skin
– Highlights and softens skin
– No parabĆ©ns, no alcohol

Vitamin C Brightening & Glow Daily Facial Cream

A good moisturizer is vital to seal in all the other good things you’ve already done to your face. Once again, a little goes a long way and please, do not only apply to your face while your neck is begging for some targeted moisture. You can find the ingredients used in all of these products on their website so I won’t bore you with it.

– Plumps and hydrates skin.
– Assists in balancing skin moisture levels.
– Fights against anti-aging with free radicals.
– Diminishes surface lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen.
– Naturally lifts and firms sagging skin.

Honestly, would I recommend this range? A resounding yes! All of these products work in harmony with each other to make your skin look its best and who doesn’t want that?

The hardest part for me was the daily selfies. I have my days when I really like my face and other times, there are weeks that go by before I take a selfie that’s actually seen by the outside world. On the other hand, you are actually able to track and see the results in real-time so that was an added bonus for me.

The kit retails for ZAR 799.00 but you get 10% off your first purchase. Also, they have a Payflex option that allows you to pay it off in 4 installments over 6 weeks, at no added cost. You can use my code, JGMQIVPW, with your firstPayflex purchase to get R200 off your first purchase, you’re welcome.